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Discover the pelvic-floor-boosting power of the Emsella Chair.

T: 07 3554 3740 M: 0422 579 782

Mon to Fri: 9:00 am — 5:30 pm
Sat & Sun:  Closed

Albany Creek Doctors, Shop 12, Albany Creek Village, 700 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek, QLD 4035
T: 07 3554 3740 M: 0422 579 782

Mon to Fri: 9:00 am — 5:30 pm
Sat & Sun:  Closed

Albany Creek Doctors, Shop 12, Albany Creek Village, 700 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek, QLD 4035

50% off our Emsella Treatment - this offer is for a limited time only!

Call 07 3554 3740 to Book at our Albany Creek Doctors.

EMSELLA® is a specially developed chair which helps treat urinary incontinence and pelvic floor issues as well as working to improve sexual health and sexual function, with a 95% satisfaction rate.

  • Service icon NON-INVASIVE
  • Service icon FULLY CLOTHED
  • Service icon OPERATOR FREE
  • Service icon NO CONSUMABLES
Treatment is completely non-invasive
Patient remains fully clothed throughout the whole treatment
Once the therapy starts, the procedure runs independently
There are no additional costs


Non Surgical Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

If you experience bladder control problems, you are not alone. In fact, an estimated 5 million Australians experience some form of incontinence. If you experience a sudden or unexpected loss of bladder control or bladder leakage when you are active, we could have a solution for you.

You no longer have to suffer from stress incontinence, urge incontinence or overflow incontinence. Book a complimentary and private consultation with Albany Creek Doctors. We have non-surgical and drug-free options available that are FDA and TGA cleared for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

Call 07 3554 3740 or book your complimentary consultation online today.


What Is Emsella?

Emsella is a painless, non-invasive treatment designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, with results experienced after just one session.

How Does It Work?

The revolutionary Emsella Chair uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to rapidly connect and improve pelvic floor strength.


Emsella is a breakthrough treatment that can help with a wide range of health conditions in men and women. From incontinence to sexual dysfunction, Emsella can help you break free of the pain and discomfort caused by a weak pelvic floor, so you can move forward with more confidence.


Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the involuntary loss of urine as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure due to effort or exertion (such as sneezing/coughing). SUI is associated with weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, impeding their ability to fully close the urethra under periods of increased pressure. The Emsella Chair boosts the performance and activity of the pelvic floor muscles, alongside your individualised training, program to help you achieve results faster.


Urge urinary incontinence is an involuntary leakage of urine accompanied by a sense of urinary urgency. As with any form of incontinence, urge urinary incontinence is usually related to weak pelvic floor muscles which make it difficult for the muscles to hold on as long. The Emsella Chair targets the pelvic floor muscles. By providing contractions that are stronger than what you can achieve with pelvic floor training alone, you can see results much faster.


Radical prostatectomy is the gold standard treatment for prostate cancer in Australia. However, this operation can result in urinary incontinence in men. The Emsella Chair has been shown to not only increase strength in the pelvic floor muscles but also improve the mind-body connection, enhancing outcomes and accuracy with a home training program.


While erectile dysfunction is a common condition, it can be a source of embarrassment and frustration for men. Luckily, Emsella offers a non-invasive solution to improve sexual function, response and performance. Male pelvic floor dysfunction has been associated with erectile, ejaculation and orgasm dysfunction. Emsella can quickly boost pelvic floor muscle activity in ways which cannot be achieved through isolated pelvic floor muscle contractions alone.


After giving birth, many women experience weakening or stretching of the pelvic floor muscles. This can lead to a wide range of pelvic-related health conditions, including poor bladder control, organ prolapse, or pain and discomfort in this area. Emsella can help postnatal women to regain strength in their pelvic floor muscles, enabling them to achieve better health outcomes and avoid further problems and complications down the line.

The Emsella Chair – FDA Cleared Non-Surgical Incontinence Treatment

The Emsella Chair is an FDA cleared medical device that uses electromagnetic waves, focused on the pelvis, giving over 12,000 pelvic floor contractions in 28 minutes. The Emsella Chair works to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles while you sit fully clothed in the chair. This non-surgical, non-invasive treatment also assists nerves to become less over-reactive to reduce the urge to go to the toilet so often

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step is to have an appointment with one of our doctors. During this consultation the doctor will ask you a range of questions. There will be no need for an internal examination.

Each patient is different, but when a lack of bladder control is affecting your life or stopping you from doing activities you want to do, or affects your confidence, it may be time to meet with one of our doctors in a free consultation to discuss your concerns.

Simply sit on the chair and you will be positioned correctly. It is a comfortable treatment where you remain fully clothed throughout the treatment. You will receive thousands of pelvic contractions during your session on the Emsella chair.

A standard course of treatment consists of a total of 6 sessions over 3 weeks, with two 30 minute sessions per week, for three weeks.

Each treatment takes half an hour of sitting on the Emsella Chair.

Each patient is different, however many people feel a benefit after the first treatment with results improving over the three weeks of treatment.

A pelvic floor muscle contraction stimulated by the Emsella Chair is much more intense than a voluntary contraction that you could do when performing Kegel exercises. The Emsella chair gives thousands of supra-maximal pelvic muscle contractions in a 30 minute treatment. Therefore, Emsella Chair treatment is considered more effective.


Discover the pelvic-floor-boosting power of the Emsella Chair. The Emsella pelvic floor chair is non-invasive, allowing clients to undertake treatment within a 28 minute time frame, fully dressed, no pre or post care requirements, allowing you to undertake your normal day. Six sessions over three weeks – can be life changing for your pelvic floor and your lifestyle. 

Call 07 3554 3740 or book your complimentary consultation online today.